Friday, June 26, 2015

Twas the Night Before the NEA Convention

"Twas the night before the NEA Conference, when all through Nashville, TN
Hailey went through her paperwork and boarding pass- B 53.
Her clothes were packed, stuffed, and ready with care
In Hopes that everything will fit in the suitcase and make it there.
The family just made it home to get in their bed, But not Hailey- she had too many things going through her head.
Her Uncle Barry tried to help out, 
And all that help turned straight into doubt. 
Though Hailey was nervous and excited in one, she could not wait to wake up and see the sun. 
SouthWest Flights would welcome her at last, and this adventurous opportunity would go- oh so fast." 
As I sit and get things together for this great opportunity, I thought this would be appropriate! :) 

"Happy teaching to all, and to all a good night!"

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Miss creative! You should consider writing children's books! :)
